coaches conduct
Coaches are responsible for their team's members and team's supporters adherence to the following Code of Conduct. Coaches may be either warned or ejected and the game may be declared a forfeit for failure to comply
- Coaches, Players and Parents shall not use any word(s) and/or actions to incite their team's members and/or supporters to demonstrations of unsportsmanlike conduct.
- Demonstrations, which disrupt the game, are unsportsmanlike.
- Demonstrations abusive to the umpires are unsportsmanlike. - Coaches shall not encourage or allow attempts at verbal intimidation of the opposing team by their team's members and/or supporters.
- There shall be no "negative chatter" directed at the opposing team.
- "Positive chatter" by team members with their teammates is permitted and encouraged.
- Ejected participants are henceforth-illegal participants, and any further misconduct on their part will result in the suspension of the game by the umpire(s), and may result in forfeiture of the game.
- An ejected manager/coach must leave the vicinity of the playing field. The game can continue only if another person, affiliated with said team, who is listed as a coach on the team roster and has been background checked through SF Rec & Park assumes the responsibility for the team for the remainder of that game.
- Any ejected adult team member must leave the vicinity of the playing field.
- Any ejected team supporter must leave the vicinity of the playing field.
- Any ejected non-adult team member may remain in their team's area if the manager/coach's supervision is necessary. The manager/coach is responsible for further misconduct on the part of the ejected player and will be required to remove the ejected player from the field area if so instructed by an umpire.
- An umpire may suspend the game in the event of a situation which he/she may judge to be threatening to or detrimental to the healthy continuation of the game
- No contact is allowed with umpires after the game is completed. Coaches, players, and supporters are not allowed to address, question, speak, or confront umpires regarding the umpires’ performance. If there is an issue in question, those questions and issues should be directed to the SFYBL Division Commissioners.
- All Adults (18+) who are working with our teams in either practices and/or games must be fingerprinted and background checked through SF Rec & Park. They also must have taken the Concussion Protocol Course and the Abuse Awareness Course.
- The SFYBL, shall reserve the right to withdraw membership from any league, team, player or adult volunteer whose conduct, on or off the playing field, reflects in a manner that is detrimental to the best interest of SFYBL.
- Coaches, players and spectators who engage in unsportsmanlike conduct, such as fighting, abusive language or similar derogatory activity, can be suspended for one or more games. Coaches, players, parents or spectators in violation of any of these Rules of Conduct may be removed from the league at the discretion of the SFYBL Board.